Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tiny Pillow for playful little heads

 I really like the Bobble-Shell Edging devised by Lucy at Attic 24.
 It was the perfect finish to this little pillow I made for my precious little Eee to use for her little toys as she lays them to bed around the house each day, every day.
 I had just finished making a tension square for a new top I plan to knit for myself this summer.
Not bothering to frog it back, I couldn't see the sense in throwing it out when it would be a simple job to crochet around the edge to join them, stuff with some poly-fill, then finish with the bobble-shell edging.
It makes such a precious sweet pillow for little Emily (I think that's what her name was today!).

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Look who's One!

My little baby J has turned one!

We celebrated with a delicious Lumberjack Cake by Not Quite Nigella.  You must explore her site if you haven't already.  Her work is delicious.

We enjoyed a ride on the Carousel in Civic with friends who have made this a family ritual to celebrate birthdays.  Indeed it was such a sweet thing to do, I think we should also make it a birthday ritual.
If indeed we last that long in this part of the country.

Meanwhile, we are currently in a contract to purchase a house.  All is proceeding OK but we are not doing so without extreme caution.  Neither of us could say we are excited.  Neither of us can see that it is actually going to happen.  The events of this year have knocked it all out of us.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

iPhone brings us together

“I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.” ~ Steve Jobs, Apple CEO [NBC Nightly News, May 2006]

Bird on the Wire
at our home

I've been thinking about writing this post for such a long time and with the very sad loss of Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, this week.  I thought I should make the time to write again.  

Since my life became transient this year and with a need to purchase a new mobile phone I decided I could go with nothing less than the iPhone.  I found the deal with Virgin to be very good and suitable for our needs costing just $49 per month.  Allowing us internet access on the go as well as $300 worth of phone calls each month.
Peace and Serenity at Lake Burley Griffin
A greater pull towards the iPhone however was the fact that my brother and sister-in-law in Belfast have iPhones, along with my sister and brother-in-law in country NSW.  I knew they were texting each other for free and phoning for free and I really wanted to be part of their lives in this way.

Reflections at Floriade
Is there a more beautiful flower than the Tulip?
And so while my life has been turbulent this year, I have found that connections with my family have been much greater.  Connections via iPhone have been enhanced and time taken to enjoy them has been to the detriment of this blog and for that I am sad.  So I would like to ask you to follow me, if you will.  I twitter more these days, search for me @ceelewis if you twitter also.  I'd love to follow you and connect with you there.

Silver Birch leaves as lacework
at Commonwealth Park

I am also an avid Instagramer.  Do you Instagram?  Search for me there if you do, I'm @ceelew.

Tulips of Floriade
Nerang Pool, Commonwealth Park

All the photos you see here in this blog post have been well liked on Instagram and I very much enjoy sharing and connecting with that community. It consists both of family members and other great photographers.
Nerang Pool, Commonwealth Park

So enjoy this little glimpse of Canberra and pop over and join me at Twitter and Instagram.

Thankyou to Steve Jobs for his wonderful creativity and inventions which serve to connect us in new ways.

You know I really am just a bit lazy, or tired with my young family.  Call it what you will! Using my iPhone I can lie down on the lounge and relax while I twitter and instagram, in order to write my blog posts and share photos here, I need to get up to the iMac.  It's a great machine - but it feels like work ;)

So my dear friends and followers, please continue to follow me and connect.