Saturday, July 26, 2008

Our Children's Sewing Kit Received with Thanks

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Look at what has arrived in the mail this week! It is our swap from the Children's Sewing Kit Swap we have been participating in. Isn't Ess lucky!!! Thankyou so much Mel and Bella.

She absolutely loves her sewing kit and considers herself very lucky. "I love my sewing kit," says Ess, "I will never forget this day". I am so glad she is grateful. She is not too expectant. Yes, she has eagerly anticipated receiving her parcel since she knew we were being involved in this, but her focus has not been so much on what she might be getting, rather on what we might be giving Bella, our swap partner, and what she might like. She spent much time sorting through buttons to find the ones she thought Bella would like. We have packed up Bella's bag today and the package should be sent off shortly.

This has been such a lovely swap. It has encouraged Ess to think beyond our family, to focus on another, to focus on someone in another part of our country and to give more and expect less.

As you enjoy your day today remember to express your gratitude in words and deed and in the living of your daily life. It is very enriching.

1 comment:

  1. You write such beautiful things. I'm really glad that little Ess enjoyed her package, I know we had so much fun putting it together for her.


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