Monday, September 22, 2008

Vegetable Time

Weather means more when you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. ~Marcelene Cox

We enjoyed some sunshine on the weekend by being in the garden.

I would love to have planted green beans this season but feel that the space I have in the sunshine with good soil is too limited. Perhaps I'll give it a go in future years. This year we have...


It is tomato planting time. I have found a tumbling variety which needs no staking and produces lovely little cherry tomatoes. This will meet our needs of limited space as I hang these in baskets and hope they trail over the edge for us to pick and enjoy in a few months time.

A few more lettuces have gone in to meet our needs for greens over the coming weeks before it gets too hot to keep them any longer. I pick leaves from these lettuces each lunch time and they have contined to grow steadily during winter.

Ess and I also planted a few organic radish seeds around the place in whatever holes we could find. Oh how we long for that vege garden. Growing in pots is getting frustrating and I am running out of pots!!! :)

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