But it is a cold, lifeless business when you go to the shops to buy something, which does not represent your life and talent, but a goldsmith's. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Gifts," Essays, Second Series, 1844
A lovely friend of mine turned 40 the other day and we visited her bearing a bagful of handmade gifts. Yes, these gifts "represent my life and talent". I know she appreciates them, she is wonderful like that. Truly a great friend to have - one who appreciates you for just who you are.
She received a handknitted dishcloth, the pattern for which I found here. Along with some olive oil soap sadly not made by myself but purchased at our markets. I hope to do some soapmaking of my own when I don't have littlies in the house. This just seems too risky when you have little ones around - what with caustic soda and heat and needing to get it exactly right! I'd love your advice any of you who are experienced in this.
There is one of my cards and one from my daughter which incorporates some lovely felt hair clips (inspired by Mel) to give to her daughter (Ess' best friend). I think I'll make a few more cards with clips attached for gifts for other little girls this year.
I also gave a basil plant which I have been nurturing from seed. This one was pulled out of the crop of tiny seedlings, potted up and doted on since before Christmas in order to be able to give her a lovely full plant. I know she will prepare lots of lovely meals incorporating this.
I love handmade gifts - giving them and receiving them also but am not so certain this sentiment is shared. What are your thoughts on the matter?
I agree about the sentiment not always being shared when it comes to homemade gifts. I find it can be disappointing sometimes when I put such a lot of time/work/love into creating something special and it's not met with the enthusiastic response that I was hoping for. That's okay though - the really thankful gift receivers make up for it :)
P.S. Cee I'm really sorry that I didn't find time before Christmas to pass on the Christmas blogger award. Thanks so much for awarding it to me though, it was a lovely award to receive.