Monday, April 27, 2009

Sand, Sunshine and Rain

And for every child on the beach that day
stands a castle tall and proud ~ Sand Castles, Elvis Presley

What bliss to wake up to the sound of rain and be snug and warm in bed, home from holidays.  It has been amazing weather these past few days - rain, wind and cold that even stopped me walking to school today.  This rain, so long unseen, is definitely soothing to the soul.  I can hear the garden, veges, neighbours and schoolfriends all heave a sigh of welcome relief.

For the most part of our holiday the weather was delicious - warm and sunny, yet not at all hot.

We spent most of our time playing on the beach digging and building, having sandcastles stomped upon and chasing a certain little offender up towards the dunes amidst cries of laughter and swirls of girly giggles upon her capture.  Our new walker looked on with eager learning eyes and continued her dig, dig, digging and castle pushing!

In the afternoon, little Eee slept while we painted shells into sweet little critters.  This was inspired both by Ess' Princess Poppy: Fun and Games - A Colouring and Activity Book and our friend Bella with her rock painting...

and more castles...

Goolwa Beach delighted us all, day by day.

See you tomorrow with a few more holiday pics as I slowly regain my composure for writing.

This weather does not combine at all well with the mountains of washing we brought home.  I'm swamped in the chinese laundry our home now appears to be. :)


  1. LOL I know all about chinese laundry, we were the same after returning home from camping. I really love how the shells have turned out, how sweet is the lady bird!?!!

  2. Glad you like them Mel. They are sweet aren't they!

  3. my girl would very much love to go and play on the beach....

  4. Jackie I am sure your little princess would love this beach. Ours do oh so much!

    There is also great cockle searching here.


  5. any snorkle activites? we wanted to try in Redang, Malaysia but due to the warm weather, we would like to go some other place where is not hot and humid.

  6. We haven't been snorkelling down here but you can snorkel further around the peninsula to see leafy sea dragons (like Sea Horses). They are very rare so we'll have to do that sometime although our girls are too little yet.

    The best place for snorkelling in Aus would have to be the Great Barrier Reef but that's up north where it is still hot and humid.


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