Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A little Sprinter in our Garden - Freesias blooming already!

If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. ~Audra Foveo

Little Eee and I have been enjoying a little Sprinter in our garden of late. Along with many we have experienced warmer than usual temperatures for this time of year, indeed I think the whole of winter has been a warm one. I am still waiting for some chilly nights and frost! I remember how I froze in the middle of the night while standing at the change table with my newborn baby just over two years ago. I wonder whether September will bring us those freezing night temperatures again or if we really have seen the last of Winter this year. I do look forward to the forecast rainy and stormy weather next week, although I fear it will bring no frost.

Last year, Spring sprung in my garden right on time, on the first of September with the blooming of our first freesia. This year we are already enjoying our freesias...

...and I am enjoying photographing them with my new camera with outstanding macro capabilities. I am sure I will learn more as I go and improve the way I capture the beauty in a blossom. I used to wonder why my mother photographed flowers, I preferred to enjoy them in real life. I still do, and so does she, yet I enjoy taking more time with them now.

I sit with the flower absorbing all its beauty as I move the camera exploring different angles. It is much like the way I spend time with my daughters. I sit with them, my agenda is refined, they become my only priority and I observe them from all angles.

In the coming years I will be able to recall with beautiful photography the changing beauty of my daughters. In the coming years I will also enjoy remembering the changing blossoms of the these bulbs as I plant them year by year. My memory fades with rapid change. My girls grow and change month by month, the blossoms come and fade so quickly. Will I remember the delight in my baby as she 'skips' to collect more water for the flowers. Will I remember her busy contentment. Will I remember how many freesia blossoms we enjoyed last year and the way we paused to watch them grow? Will I remember their unique patterns of colours?
So pause to capture, so you'll remember, allow your daughter to linger longer over watering the blossoms, fill the watering can up yet again, allow her busyness in solitude while you remember to nurture your own. Take time...


  1. Its nice to sit and take some time taking pictures of the flowers, shame the weather hasn't been that nice lately, so I'm just flitting in and out. Your pictures are getting better with the macro.

  2. I appreciate your sentiments here, beautifully said.
    Enjoy your new camera it appears you are surrounded by beautiful subjects to notice! : )

  3. Hi Pip, the weather has been interesting lately hasn't it. I am flitting in and out as well with my littlies. Thankyou for your lovely compliments regarding the photography.

    Nicole, thankyou so much for taking time to visit and leave a little comment for me here. Indeed I am delighted to have lovely subjects around me. :)

  4. wow.. lovely color!
    I like Freesia's fragrance!


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