Saturday, October 17, 2009

Postcards from the Limestone Coast: Boatswain Point

Ocean: A body of water occupying two-thirds of a world made for man - who has no gills. ~Ambrose Bierce

A little north of Robe you will find the curious community of Boatswain Point. We observed craypot buoys used as baubles in trees and a pyramid type monument built of these buoys in someone's front yard. I have no pics as while the locals were friendly, I didn't want to invade their privacy with my camera. However the menagerie of decorations was something to behold as we roamed the streets trying to find a route down to the beach.

We finally found a 4WD track which led to a beautifully calm and secluded sheltered bay and beach. The seaweed along the water's edge proved very interesting. Ess and I found a miniature harbour bound by seaweed "headlands" which captured our interest for a long while. It was so calm and relaxing to watch the water lap in and out. (I had a lovely little video for you to bring the sea into your home, yet Blogger will not upload it for me, no matter how many ways I try (sigh)).

We enjoyed watching the effect of the waves on the sandcastles we strategically placed around the 'little harbour'.

We saw the waves gently swirl around the base of them and gradually erode them to form little mushroom islands like those in Palau.

The ocean never fails to calm and delight.


  1. I know what you mean. I just got back from Nova Scotia and have some pictures of the Bay of Fundy. Very relaxing. Lovely pictures, Cee.

    I, too, tried to post a video awhile back and finally figured out the file was too large.

  2. Oh it is so lovely to see you again here Homestay Mama. I will definitely be over when I can to see your Nova Scotia pics. How wonderful. That is a place I have longed to see for certain.

    Yes my video file must be too large! (sigh)


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