Monday, November 16, 2009

Bringing in Christmas

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale

Living in Adelaide means that Christmas starts much earlier for us than it used to. You see, Father Christmas arrives for a quick visit to the children of Adelaide during The Pageant before he settles into his Magic Cave for the leadup to Christmas. This year we braved 40degC heat to enjoy the parade and what a wonderful day we had. Armed with our big beach umbrella, lots of water in cool bottles for us, as well as spray bottles to squirt anyone near us including the very warm pageant participants, we enjoyed the sights and wonders of the most fantastic street parade I know about. All the floats are so lovingly built and maintained and new ones are added each year. I have never thought of so many Christmas themes until I saw this Pageant three years ago.

At home our days have been quiet and cool - indoors at least.

Yesterday I had a choice to visit the supermarket to pick up a few things I didn't collect a few days ago due to our extreme heat, or to stay at home in the cool and enjoy being creative. Can you guess what I chose? There are now a few more Christmas gifts in the making around our home. I can honestly say that I so much prefer to spend my time thinking and making for friends and family than following a catalogue or department store promotion and buying this and that for people on my list. This is the softness and beauty of Christmas for me - calm, thoughtful and peaceful. How about you?

I stumbled across this November Mystery Project and couldn't resist joining in as I have loved getting back into crochet recently. I haven't crocheted Granny squares since my Granny taught me as a child. Here are my dozen. Pop on over to Sarah London to see what she made.

My creative space contains preparations for gift making. Pieces cut out and ready to sew.

I particularly like this piece of patchwork in a new technique. I don't have the patience, time or attention to detail for the traditional patchwork to be completed beautifully here. So I have picked up on an idea of Alicia's at Posie Gets Cosy. It's not yet complete but hopefully soon it will become something special. What would you make with this?

So while the children played outside in a little splash pool Santa had left them on Pageant Day, I enjoyed the cooler indoors, thinking of those I love and creating for them.

My Sunday was definitely a day well spent. How was yours? I hope you are having days which are soft and beautiful.


  1. What a delightful Christmas tree for the wall! Makes me wish I could get back into sewing again, but my machine needs repairing and I don't have time to be creative anyway! So, I'll just enjoy watching all the beautiful things you make!

  2. The parade must be a great event - the kids must love it, seeing Santa before Christmas!

    My tall girl wanted to have all the Christmas Books out already and so we are reading through all the books in the moment (today at 18°C as well).

    Thinking of it I think it's weird to know you are celebrating Christmas in the heat, while we are used to this season being cold and freezing.

    We tried to take holiday photos on sunday, more or less successful...

    Big hug to you, kind regards Nina


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