Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Pretty Shopping List

A little while ago I lost my shopping list while in Spotlight. My dear two year old Eee loves being there - so many buttons, ribbons, balls of wool etc. etc. However it is a little challenge for Mum to manage shopping for what I need with an excited toddler amongst the many textures and sights of a large craft shop. I did manage to leave the shop with all I needed, including my toddler. However my list remained somewhere within.

Have you ever lost your shopping list? I was surprised at how lost I felt without it. I survived my grocery shop at the markets and then the week at home remembering all the things which we had run out of and were written down in my list. The greatest loss for me was the list of ideas I had made over a period of time for Christmas gifts (sigh). Never mind, fortunately I do have a good brain and I have recalled many things. Who knows what I have forgotten however.

So to cheer myself up I made a special cover for my shopping list. Mette at Erleperle inspired me with her Christmas List Taker, yet I want mine to be used all year round.

I do love it! I was surprised how it heartened me to glance at my list on my stroller-top seeing such prettyness. Rather than simply seeing the things I needed I saw something crafted with my own hands, for my own heart.

It was lovely to gift myself a little this Christmas, in amidst preparing gifts for family and friends.

I hope you are enjoying your Christmas preparations.


  1. Lovely list taker! Good work. Have a great Holiday time.

  2. This is really a great piece of lovely work.

    I know exactly what you mean, yesterday I was doing my errands on my own, the first time for 3,5 years and I was concentrated, quick and focussed on the things I needed (even without a list). But with the two (or even one) at my side I am always looking for things they are putting in their cart, saying "No, not that", "Carefully, look for other peolpes legs", .....

  3. love,love,love,love,absolutely,loooove this little book you made. Great colours and this way for sure you are not going to loose it!

  4. If you have a giveaway, I hope this is the prize! :-)

    Seriously, how about marketing this idea? I would certainly think many people would buy it!

    You are so creatively clever!

  5. Very pretty! What a great job you've done.
    I'm attempting to make my own diary for 2010 and was thinking about using some pretty craft fabrics for the cover, too.
    It looks to be about A5, is that right? (or is it smaller?)

  6. Hi alecat yes it is a bit smaller than A5. The paper I use for my list is roughly quarter A4 ie A6? so it is made to fit that size. Only a little smaller than A5 finished. Pop back in for my Christmas giveaway - tomorrow hopefully and you might receive one!


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