Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Daytripping to the World's Largest Rocking Horse, Gumeracha

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. ~Ovid

The days of January are always wonderful times. They are days of rest to me, days we can enjoy being together as a family without the pressure of time constraints. My Generous Gentleman always takes a few weeks off over Christmas time. He is a home body like me so takes on many of the house jobs giving me a little break from things such as hanging out washing, watering gardens, putting out rubbish and lifting growing two year olds. Ahhh bliss!

Days of refreshment come when we venture out together as a family, having had a rested morning at home - no rushing, no clock watching.

Tripping to Gumeracha in the Adelaide Hills, Ess just had to ride this miniature pony, Mini. She had a lovely ride chatting away to the assistant and brightening her day as well.

Climbing the world's largest rocking horse.

Admiring the sights from the heights.

Achieving milestones for little ones.

Reflecting on the great heights we had just achieved while rocking on the little rocking horse below.

The wildlife sanctuary nearby is a lovely place to wander with the girls, although they are quite nervous when it comes to getting up close and personal. This little wallaby was interested in nibbling some food quickly but hopped away to its privacy amongst the dry twigs and leaves hastily.

The beauty of the peacock never fails to dazzle.

Enjoy some nourishing time together with friends and loved ones and remember that "sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths". ~Etty Hillesum


  1. Lovely pictures and just such a really fun and also peaceful day!

  2. And I just have to ask--does the world's largest rocking horse really rock? :-D

    Beautiful pictures--I envy your leisure days and not having to watch the clock!

  3. Gosh, when I see all those pictures, I dream to have wings and come over there someday in my life! What a wonderful place to be, full of wild life, sunshine and great people!!!!

  4. Well that all depends Homestay Mama - how are you with heights? Do you get that lovely sensation of vertigo? I think perhaps you might be wondering whether it is rocking or not. Oh imagine if it really did - I feel queasy just thinking about it. That's what having children does for you. Interestingly I felt quite fine until I looked at my toddler toddling up there.


    Wings and dreams can make many unimaginable things happen I am sure! ;)


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