Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Little Pink Bag and ensuing pretty scarves

Buttons and patches and the cold wind blowing,
The days pass quickly when I am sewing.
~Author Unknown

Do you remember this rectangle of fabric which I pieced together ages ago using a simple method of Alicia Paulson's?

I have wanted to make a bag with it as the lightweight interfacing makes it nice and sturdy. However which type of bag? It begged for something more, something prettier, than a simple tote, perhaps a drawstring??

However I became creative with my rectangle as I sat with it. A pleat here, a few more there. A fold this way, a matching one on the other side and there was the bag taking shape.

Now, as it turned out not to be a drawstring bag, I needed to devise some sort handle.

So with a crochet hook in hand and some inspiration on a style of crochet from Juliane, I began to hook.

Before long this pretty handle was ready to be fastened to the bag with a few decorative buttons.

and a little lavender bag was popped inside to ensure a sweet fragrance lingered.

The handle looked so much like a scarf according to Ess, that I set about making another longer piece of work so she could have an alternative scarf for her lovely Bella.

Pretty soon there were scarfs all around. The top one was made by Juliane and was my inspiration.

I think Bella wears hers beautifully, don't you. This is exactly the way my precious Ess adorned her.

Now I'm contemplating more little scarves and I'm knitting some leg warmers in the middle of summer. Crazy, I know! Although I heard today that we are expecting lower than average temperatures in the next few months. No-one could complain about that during heatwave season :)


  1. Sooooo Lovely, Cee!

    And scarves for winter? You are ahead of the game--something I only dream about! I'm still trying to catch up to winter here! Never did get all my autumn work done in preparation for the winter months, and spring will be here before I'm ready. It seems I'm always running to catch up. It's the bane of my life!

  2. Thankyou! I am privileged to be able to undertake whatever inspires me at any point in time - to a certain extent. However alongside this fact, I have two growing girls - who grow quickly. They keep needing clothing in bigger sizes so I feel I am constantly on the lookout for clothing for the next season. It took me by surprise but now I think I am getting into the swing of it. :) Being prepared ;)

    I hope you can just start afresh in Spring and not worry about what might have been left undone.

  3. Oh you've come up with something lovely in that bag! Wonderful, I love it.

  4. do you even have winter in kangaroo land?

    Love the bag, love the coulours!


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