Friday, March 12, 2010

Farewelling Friends

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels

We have spent some time these last days farewelling some good friends.

It is a little hard to say Goodbye when a friend is moving to another country and you are not quite sure that you will ever see them again. England is a very very long way away. It is even harder to explain to your little ones just what is going on, and what it all means.

The daughter of the family has been Ess' best friend since they met at age 2. They were born only a week apart, exactly. Now they are 6 years we mums hope their friendship continues.

So we sent them off with this little letter tote I made from fabric in my stash. It contains some postcards we made, some notelets and a few pictures Ess has drawn for her best friend.

This one just breaks my heart.


  1. I cannot imagine how you would deal with this, but you have done a great job on the case. I am sure it will be treasured forever.

  2. Thankyou MIllie, I hope it will be too. And I think we are coping with it by knowing we have a few changes ahead as well, new people to meet, new options opening up for us and a holiday just around the corner. Life brings change doesn't it, and it just keeps rolling on. :)

  3. I love the little letter tote! What thoughtful gift.

  4. If she's like me she will love the letter tote. I'm still using and enjoying my list book that you made for me! Well, I guess you made it for your giveaway, but I like to think you made it for me! :-)

    Hard to say goodbye when a person is moving to another country! I have to do it all the time when my homestay students finish school, graduate and return home. It's never any easier even though I've been doing this for 18 years!

  5. Well that picture just about broke my heart. But the good news is that there are so many ways to keep in touch now a days. And how fun it will be for them to get something in the real mail from each other! How long has it been since any of us has received something worth looking at or reading in the mail? Love the letter tote.

  6. Thankyou for all your lovely comments.

    Of course I made the list cover for you HS Mama ;)

    The lovely thing about saying goodbye to friends is there is always something new around the corner isn't there.


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