Monday, May 3, 2010

Autumn Planting

Plant a radish, get a radish, never any doubt.
That's why I love vegetables, you know what they're about! ~Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt

We spent some time in the sunshine and warmth of this morning enjoying some Autumn planting. Here Ess is carefully positioning her freesias which we have planted year by year. We also planted some Asian greens - Mizuna, Mibuna, Tah Tsai and Mustard Greens, along with peas, Cos lettuce, radish seed and pansies, pink of course. I can't wait for them all to flourish so our garden will look fresh, green and cared for again. The month we were on the road took its toll on my garden, and while rain freshened much of it just before our return, many of my summer herbs were looking very very tired and dried. Many of them will renew, yet at present there are many dry sticks and twigs.

Look at my poor perennial basil here, usually it is full of leaves and blossom attracting abundant bees. I have pruned it back by at least three quarters here to let some new shoots take hold, we'll see what happens. The lawn is just terrible also. Little Eee is helping us tidy it with her own scissors here.

We have been home from our driving holiday for almost a couple of weeks now. The time has flown as I've been establishing new routines for us. We are in a new stage in our lives with Ess now being homeschooled. It is a positive experience for our family yet involves changes in the way my day flows.

In many ways there is lots more freedom. I am now not bound to someone else's clock with another's demands imposed on me. The clock is ours and it is up to me to choose what to do when and encourage my children to enjoy their lives and their learning. As you might imagine sometimes this is easier than other times, as on occasion the children do not have the same idea as I do. Things are progressing well however and Ess is learning that she will have lots of free time to accomplish her own ideas as well as spend some time participating in activities which are guided by Mum. I am aiming for these to be in the morning while we all enjoy some freer time and rest time in the afternoons. Today it is going!


  1. I love the little finger planting freesias.
    I hope you're keeping well. I am glad to hear that you're doing well (today!) at the homeschooling.

  2. Helly my dear, good you have enjoyed your trip and happy things are going well!

    Take care and fingers crossed for another positive homeschooling week,


  3. Glad you are back and doing well today. I think it's amazing that the blogger world has opened my eyes more to the fact that you are just the opposite of me (USA) in seasons. We are in the Spring, just going in to summer. I'm working beehives, planting a garden, and trying to lose weight for the summer swimming season! Hey, just let the grass grow. Start a trend. I like it better, bugs like it better, and animals definitely like it better!


  4. Hi everyone, so lovely to see you again!

    Yes Millie I love that little finger oh so much. I love also that in that photo it was not at all set up. I just manage to snap at the right moment when she was planting. So often pics like this blur, don't they.

    Hi Nina, yes we are getting into the swing of things and discovering the needs we both have - my little Ess and I so we can work together to ensure a good education. Already I notice a less busy, less tired, less harried mum and daughter.

    Maybe I will Cindy - it is still long but it gets horrible to walk and play on when the rains come!

    See you all again

  5. Welcome back, Cee. Looks like you are becoming one very busy mama! Home schooling AND getting ready for another little one. I wonder if you'll have much time for blogging?!

  6. Who is Eril? That was my (Homestay Mama's) comment! Our posts must have gotten switched out there in cyberspace somewhere! How weird!

  7. That is very strange HS Mama, I was just wondering exactly who Eril was also!

    Yes life is busy, yet it always was. Now time is freed up and changed. My mind is just busier on activities for little ones at this stage. Blogging is my time so I do hope to be able to continue to have some "me" time along the way. Perhaps for a while it might need to be 'sleep' rather than 'write and read' time but we'll see.


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