Monday, July 5, 2010

Kangaroos on Millbrook

The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man. ~Author Unknown

Across the creek, resting amidst the trees in the long shadows cast in the late afternoon we spotted that which we were on the hunt for.

They stopped to take a peek at us as well before bounding further up the hill and away from our curious eyes.

Travelling on our favourite road in the Adelaide Hills after being out and about enjoying the sunshine on a very cool winter's day we felt certain we would be rewarded.

There is nothing more fun than spotting wildlife in the bush for our dear little girls...all right, and their parents as well.

As Ess says, "it is so much more fun to play "Spot the ...." in real life rather than just in a book Mummy".


  1. I can understand your tall girl seeing them in real must be such an adventure!!


  2. Hi there Cee :)
    I haven't been by your blog for a while but i felt really renewed looking over your photos + reflections.
    Bless you!
    Lusi x


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