Friday, August 20, 2010


When one's tummy is growing
Along with a sweet little one inside,
One's level of exhaustion increases also,
Discomfort becomes common, experienced all day everyday,
Braxton Hicks contractions occur frequently...

A few little treats absolutely fill my heart anew.

:: roses from my Generous Gentleman waiting in our places
upon our arrival home late in the evening from Gymnastics ::

:: some Chiyogami paper from a sweet Japanese Shop
at the Adelaide Central Markets - Little Tokyo ::

We'll use these designs for a sweet pattern sent to us by my sister-in-law recently.
More to come soon.

Finally, we gather together as a family to enjoy lunch on a workday
Daddy, Mummy, our two little girls
at our favourite cafe
at the Central Markets.
A most precious treat for me!

Desiring to meet a new little one and become small once again,
Yet also knowing I have so much to do in preparation,
both mentally and physically in our home,
my brain is a bit mushy
my body is tired
along with my mind,
I wait, I rest, and take my time.


  1. Hi Cee, Glad you are still waiting - even though you are uncomfortable. We want the sweet little one to stay inside for a few more weeks so that he/she/ is nice and healthy. With no new blog post in over a week I was beginning to wonder!!!
    Can't wait to see what you are going to do with all that lovely Japanese paper!
    love Sheena

  2. I'm sorry you're uncomfortable...I'm sure you're tired too, mind two older ones is not easy. Not long now. My twins were delivered at 36 weeks and I wished they could have waited a while longer. They were not tiny, but were skinny!

  3. Oh yes I do want the little one to stay inside as long as possible. I usually carry happily to 40 weeks. This one will be born at 39+ weeks if all goes to plan so that should be good.

    Yes I am tired, the discomfort is liveable and if I rest and determine to live happily each day all goes well.

    Thanks for popping in and leaving your kind words.


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