Monday, November 29, 2010

Tickly Tag Toys

Who's that peaking out from inside my crochet bag?

One of three new friends for my little treasures.

The remnants of the skirt I sewed for myself were begging me to make a few things for my new tribe of three little girls. They were inspired by other toys I've seen around and also my little Eee's love of all things tickly. She tickles her nose and lips with any tag she can find although her teddy (with his shaggy, taggy tail) is her favourite friend.

The taggy friends are in great use as ticklers and in playing games of hide'n'seek.


  1. Hi Cee,

    Don't you just love making toys for children that appreciate them? I have a niece who has asked me to make her some dolls out of the Wee Wonderful book I have. I need to get busy. I'm surprised you have time to sew at all with your new baby! Love the bright, happy, pink colors you are using.


  2. Very sweet and I can understand how sewing is giving yourself some time just for oyu while the Baby is asleep and the tall girls are busy with playing or Daddy...

    Big hug and sending warm greetings to you,


  3. Nina, that is exactly right - the sewing time I enjoy is just some time for me. It keeps me sane!

    I have the Wee Wonderfuls book out from our library at the moment Cindy. I'd love to make the Sleepover Pals but not sure I'll get to it :)


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