Wednesday, July 27, 2011

For Eleanor Violet

Look at us, said the violets blooming at her feet, all last winter we slept in the seeming death but at the right time God awakened us, and here we are to comfort you. ~Edward Payson Rod

On the day we expected my new niece to be born a couple of seemingly insignificant things happened.

Until I knew the name of my precious new niece I did not make any connection with the fact that:

~ for the first time I noticed this lone violet blooming out my new back door, in a wintry dirt patch surrounded by mysterious bulb shoots, waiting to welcome Spring.

~ for the first time my little Eee picked me a bunch of the violet shade of pansies and violas blooming in our front yard.

They must have been for you,

our precious, dear, Eleanor Violet.

Happy Birthday Eleanor Violet
26 July 2011

With love,
All of us


  1. Oh so very beautiful!! Thank you my wonderful sister and lovely nieces - I'm a blubbering wreck now, in the best possible way. Eleanor is going to love this little story :)

  2. It touches me so to know this has moved you to tears Dave :) I welled up just a little bit too on rereading.

    Love you x

  3. What a beautiful story. I think it needs printed off as it belongs in Eleanors baby book. Happy Birthday beautiful new baby!

    BTW Cee - those brioche cakes look yummy.

    Cindy Bee

  4. I'm sure it will get there Cindy Bee. We had to use this forum to share - my little lady is in Belfast! So far from us. Have you tried the Brioche cakes yet! They went down very well. ;)



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