Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Days of Christmas

Agapanthus just bursting into bud in my back garden

How have you been enjoying your 12 days of Christmas?

We have enjoyed:
~ Preparing and tossing out reindeer food for them to forage while we slept.

~ Setting out crocs with carrots also for the reindeer.
It was lovely to watch Ess count the appropriate number of carrots in each pair of shoes
- sorted according to age.
Four in each for my big Ess, two in each for my middle Eee,
and one and a little bit for my baby Jae.

~ Eating delicious meals

~ Watching (and waiting for) glorious sunsets

~ Lazing a little in the garden

Most of our time has been spent at home, together as a family, 
enjoying our visitor (my Dad) and
working on our new house some more.

We have spent much time in the garden
lopping, pruning, removing weed trees (privet and cotoneaster), 
improving soil with gypsum and cow manure,
mulching and planning planting to come very soon.
The most exciting part!

We've also been enjoying rediscovering hidden plants such as this hydrangea which was hidden behind the barbeque, growing towards our neighbour.

The agapanthus are just about to come into bloom to welcome in the new year.
While they are certainly not my favourite bloom and I probably wouldn't have planted them myself, 
I will definitely enjoy the beauty they bestow.

I am baffled to hear about many who have already taken down their Christmas trees.
Certainly Christmas is a time for us to relax a little, be less organised after the rush of preparation, 
to enjoy all there is to enjoy in the wonder and magic of the festive season.

All our Christmas decorations are still adorning our family home, 
we are still enjoying reading Christmas stories occasionally, 
hearing and singing some Christmas music,
and relaxing with family.

1 comment:

  1. Your yard looks nice, Cee. And that picture of your meal--it's making my mouth water! :-)


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