Monday, August 20, 2012


This is the view my eyes beheld as I opened my lounge room curtains on Saturday morning.

Beautiful isn't it!  A dusting of snow on the Brindabellas.

On the day previously it had even snowed in parts of Canberra, 
however we didn't see it.  It was raining for us here.

So after the morning's duties were complete,
(i.e. food shopping at the markets)
we enjoyed a quick lunch and headed to the hills.

We didn't have to drive too far before we arrived at snow along the closed Corin Road.
We stopped at the gate and proceeded to walk and throw snowballs, build snowmen, make snow angels etc.

It was just so much fun!

I do so very much miss the beaches we enjoyed closeby in Adelaide.  However the snow seems to hold a similar amount of fun for everyone!  Just wish it happened more often.


  1. Oh gosh, not missing snow at all, but beautiful pictures!
    I like your hair long, by the way.

    Cindy Bee

  2. Aww thanks Cindy. I've been growing it a couple of years now. I'm amazed how quickly it has assumed this length.

    Snow is exciting for us! It is one of the reasons Sophie decided she could let go of Adelaide - the potential of snow play near Canberra. We live a couple of hours from the snow fields and only rarely have snow within half an hours drive.

    Cee xo


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