Thursday, June 4, 2009

Macro on a Gumnut

I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it.  ~Author Unknown

It might also have helped me, with my  

After about 7 or 8 years with my faithful Olympus C-700 Ultra Zoom by my side I have discovered how to use the macro setting.  Not for lack of wanting.  I have tried and tried to use the macro setting. I love photographing fine detail, close-ups, blossoms.  I knew about macro settings, I knew the symbol on my camera for it. I could see the button for heavens sake.  For the life of me it would not turn on.  I read and read the manual at different stages over the years.  I decided mine was simply a faulty camera and this button was just not working.  This morning I resolved to take it to a camera shop to have someone finally teach me about the macro button on my camera.  I then went home and got the manual out...again.  This time, while reading and playing (with little Eee, not the camera) my mind was illuminated.  I don't know why, I am very tired today after a busy teaching day with a guest, a new student.   Today must just be the day for me to start. 

I cannot believe it!  Just after I made a post about some beautiful native blossoms I have made this discovery which begs me redo it (and the previous one)...only the time it has taken.

I am now learning how to use my macro setting.  It's not hard.  It makes all the arduous work of my previous photos seem ludicrous. I took so so so many photos to get the few that you see which are actually in focus...zooming in and out in order to find just the right place...not too close, too blurry...not close enough, but at least it is in focus.  I have learnt the macro button actually DOES work when I am in the P mode (Program Mode) not the half a dozen other modes on my "point and shoot."  In my defense, it actually did not say this in the manual, I intuitively put two and two together as I explored the P mode.

Tell me, what do you think of my results?  I know I have a lot to practice, but these were taken in the extraordinarly dim room in the centre of my house with very little natural light due to our lovely retaining wall (i.e. I cannot see the sky *sigh*).  I am pleased and can't wait to take more photos.   Yes, I'll be working on my focal point and my shaky hand.  It's tricky with a toddler at your legs!!

The joy of learning something new, you should try it if you haven't done so lately.


  1. Hi Cee,
    Your pictures are looking good. Sometimes it helps if you can rest your camera on something. I also sometimes get really, really close with my camera for macro shots. I just love using the macro setting on my camera, sometimes I think I take more macro shots than anything else. One of the great things with digital cameras is you can take a lot of shots just to get that one perfect one. Enjoy practising.

  2. Thanks Pip. Yes I should be much closer up. I think the dim light here stopped me. I just don't have the time to devote to this with a toddler I'd rather be nurturing - but I'm having fun. I do have a mini tripod which I haven't used for ages - perhaps I should get that out again hey!! Once again, I just don't devote the time.


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