Monday, August 17, 2009

I teach a fun music program!

“A child sings before it speaks, dances almost before it walks. Music is with us from the beginning.”-writer Pamela Brown

Along with my numerous creative pursuits we enjoy lots of music in our home. I think the most wonderful parenting education for me prior to having my children was being a Kindermusik Educator. I learnt so much about how children learn through music and movement and of course, I implement all I learnt into our daily routines in our home. Singing accompanies almost every activity we do from hanging out the washing to tapping our fingers newly clad with plastic game markers which fit perfectly on a toddler's tiny fingers.

Currently my primary focus is on teaching my own children and ensuring they have all of me that they need and love, however I am still teaching one of my favourite curricula - Kindermusik for the Young Child for children aged 5 - 7 years. We are currently loving exploring our glockenspiels and delighting in the fact that the songs we sing can be played on our glockenspiel using the notes we are learning to read, create and 'be' with our whole bodies. C, D and A is all you need to know to be able to fluently and efficiently play Lucy Locket. However I am not seeking fluency and efficiency, I am seeking a specific process. I desire that each child explores creatively and makes connections across all key learning areas which are being stimulated. We play, read, write, sing, move, explore, listen and more. You are certainly most welcome to join us or another local Kindermusik educator in your area. Whether you have a baby or a young child, Kindermusik will enhance your life. And if you are past that stage, or not quite there, then perhaps you'd like to become a Kindermusik Educator.

Not sure! This video will show you what it can truly be like in class for both parents and children.


  1. I have never heard of Kindermusik before. I'm not sure whether we have anything similar in the states or not, but it sure sounds like a good thing!

  2. Homestay Mama you do have lots of Kindermusik in the states. Headquarters is in Greensboro, Nth Carolina. It commenced in Germany in the 60s and thereafter was developed in the US. I think that all the money you guys had back then could go into Research and Development. I started my studio in 1998.

    There are classes nearby for you as well. Visit this link:

    BTW, I loved making Emerald City Salad again today. I think that recipe will never die for me. Thankyou.


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