Friday, August 14, 2009

A Little One's Fun with Finger Knitting

I like making a piece of string into something I can wear. ~Author Unknown

Fingerknitting is the perfect way for a little one to learn how to ravel a piece of string into knots to form a piece of material of some use. Ess has enjoyed this very much and can often be found with a ball of wool in one hand and stitches wound around her fingers in the other. That is, when there are no books in sight, of course ;)

She has completed a lovely scarf for her doll Anna using this simple tutorial. We watched it together, I tried it, I cast onto Ess' fingers and we were away or should I say she was away. She is now halfway through a scarf for her other precious doll, seen in my header pic above.

You might notice also that the pants I was knitting for Baby Anna are now successfully completed and fit her beautifully. I am really stoked at their success with a pattern of my own creation. This is not something I have ever really done before.

Have a happy creative weekend. We're planning to squeeze in some beachfront bike riding as the weather is forecast to be warm, albeit quite windy. Perhaps I'll find a minute to create something as well.


  1. I am so taken by your creativity, Cee! You do such fine work. I think everything you put your hand to "turns to gold!" :-)

  2. Oh you are so lovely Homestay Mama. Thankyou for the wonderful compliments and consistent comments.

    Do you know how much of an encouragement you are to my heart?

    Many thanks

  3. Well, Cee, you make my heart glad as well, for I know you are raising two little girls who will be wonderful young women someday. I only wish there were more mothers out there like you! And, sadly, I wish I had been more like you when I was a young mother, myself!


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Thankyou for leaving a few words which enhance this place.