Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ess' Summer Sundress

Summer set lip to earth's bosom bare,
And left the flushed print in a poppy there.
~Francis Thompson

Do you recognise that little Babushka-style scarf? Ess enjoys wearing hers with her summer sundress. I used the White Cotton and Flower Print Sundress pattern from Carefree Clothes for Girls: 20 Patterns for Outdoor Frocks, Playdate Dresses, and More and fabric from my stash. It is a lovely simple pattern and Ess has worn it each day after school since I made it. She is not certain she will ever wear another dress. She loves it so.

I enjoyed adding some freehand embroidery detail to the neckline of this dress with some lazy daisy stitches. Doesn't the thread match beautifully! This I found in an old box full of embroidery I half completed in my younger years. I wonder whether I'll get back to it, or whether it will indeed be passed down to Ess, much like it was passed down to me.

Despite the time the embroidery took, I still completed the dress in only half a day.

I had hoped to take some lovely carefree photos of my girl happily twirling around the yard in gay abandon. Alas, Ess' gay abandon was within the solace of her books this afternoon, her very favourite past-time. A very apt one for a school-weary lass.


  1. I have this book as well and I thought I have to make another dress for the tall girl as well. The one you've made for Ess is wonderful!

  2. Thankyou NIna! I hope we are able to see your Tall Girl's dress this summer. It is a lovely pattern and all the better when it is on the girls and they are loving wearing it.

  3. Love the picture of her and her baby doll reading a book together! Precious!


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