Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tiny Love on Valentine's Day

Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine! ~Thomas Hood

Here, the little vignette my daughters and I set up to surprise Daddy.

It contains lots and lots of love condensed in miniature for us to celebrate as a family.

Lots of inspiration came from fellow bloggers.

This little paper bag album designed by Melissa. Tutorial here. This little album contains lots and lots of pictures and colouring by two sweet little industrious girls, even late on the eve of Valentine's Day. "I can't got to bed, I've got to finish this before tomorrow!"

The above two crocheted hearts by Pascale at //Between the Lines//.

The miniature heart garland by Maya Made.

To add to the mix and make it ours especially, some much beloved dark chocolate hearts from South Australia's very own Haigh's Chocolates.

Hoping you've enjoyed some loving goodness at your place as well.


  1. What a sweet sweet thing that you and your girls did for your husband! I'm sure that made for a very happy Valentines Day.


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