Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Saltdough Christmas

Isn't it wonderful how some flour, salt and water...

combined with a little lemon juice and oil... (recipe here)

can create such education, entertainment, smiles and memories...

the fun and excitement of mixing colours and seeing the combinations and changes.

We were even able to watch light reflect from the silver stars Ess used on her decorations when we placed these in the kitchen under the rangehood light. I just love this photo (above) with the stars reflected onto the cupboard.

Then of course there is rolling, moulding, cutting and shaping the dough...

as well as decorating...
then painting it. (Particularly after Mum left them for too long in a too hot oven and they became quite crispy with little colour left...noone seemed to mind.)

Hoping you are enjoying a fun holiday time.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ess is Seven

A girl like you
deserves a birthday
sprinkled with fairy dust,
twinkling with happy thoughts
and sparkling with lots and lots of fun!

Have a Magical Day

(printed inside the card received from Granny)

Sponge cake baking...

and decorating. (I just love that mound of toasted coconut hay!)

playing with friends on the beach.

All enjoyed together, as a family.

That's what this time of year is all about isn't it!

I am so very glad that the cake she chose for herself, the Pony Paddock, was a nice and easy one for me to prepare with her this year. Time is of the essence these days with three little girls to care for, the festive season to enjoy to the utmost, and our impending move interstate.

Wishing you a very merry festive season.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Choc Bikky Christmas Tree

We had lots of fun baking, decorating and sharing our chocolate biscuit stars. Don't you love the way they form this tree when elegantly stacked by six year old hands guiding her toddler girlfriends and followers. We were due to meet friends in the park so took along the previously decorated biscuits in order to make a Christmas Tree we could share with everyone for morning tea. 'Twas our little gift to bid farewell to a group of little friends as we move from this city next month.

It was so very beautiful to watch my big, almost 7 year old, Ess caring for the little 2 year old girls she has come to know as part of our Kindermusik group we attend for little Eee. She loves them all and will sadly miss them as I know they'll miss her. She watches them, follows them, ensures they are doing well as they climb, play, explore and discover new places without their Mummies yet alongside their bigger girl friend. She certainly has the heart of a mother-carer, my girl. It will be interesting to watch her inclinations as she grows.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cherry Time

What a delightful day we had picking our own cherries in an orchard in the Adelaide Hills. It was just delightful to see the millions and millions of cherries weighing down the many branches in the orchard. It's only taken us six years to discover that we can actually pick our own. We generally do take drives through the hills and buy from shed door sales, however when I discovered there was actually the option to pick our own, of course that is the way we went. Last weekend it was Forest Range Cherries at Lenswood, this weekend we might even head out again to Stella Creek Orchard as their Summit variety might be ready to pick. Big, heart-shaped delicious cherries and only $10/kg they tell us. Last week we paid $6/kg - very competitive pricing. The markets sell them for around $30/kg.

We found some more produce in the Hills we brought home to consume including fresh snow peas and numerous strawberries. We spent the afternoon enjoying food in Hahndorf before heading back to Lobethal to join in the Lights of Lobethal Festival on opening night. It was fabulous with the Living Nativity being a definite hit - be sure you don't miss this if you live anywhere near local.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

An Advent with Lego

For quite a few years now my Generous Gentleman has wanted to find an Advent Calendar by Lego which was not ridiculously expensive.

This appears to be the year for us as we now have two Lego Advent Calendars which both my big girls are enjoying each morning during December as Christmas approaches.

I'm not a fan of Advent Calenders which bestow little gifts on little people each time they open a door as I think it creates unrealistic expectations and is simply unnecessary. However Lego always seems to create the exception for me. Each day the girls find a little packet behind a door with bits and pieces to create something new. After Christmas we'll package them all up again to start the surprises again next year.

And there are some very cute little figures and objects.

One is a Lego Kingdoms calendar with scenes and caricatures of a Medieval Castle.

The other is Lego City, quite self-explanatory.

This character is most certainly my favourite.

A less-than-friendly looking snowman.

We still open a door every day on our Nativity Advent Calendar which shares with us the true story of Christmas. We have been enjoying seeing the angels visit and hearing their messages, today's being:

'For she will bring forth a son.'

Friday, December 3, 2010

Letters to Santa

We posted our letters to Santa today. Santa, North Pole, 9999. We hope he gets them. Australia Post guarantees he'll be happy to hear from us.

The idea of writing to this dear old soul was very motivational, as far as writing is concerned. I am discovering that writing is just something which Ess does not enjoy. She is my avid reader, not so keen on writing to express herself.

You know, I was delighted that both of the girls struggled to think of anything at all to ask Santa for. The language Ess used was most polite as well. No "I want's" or "Give me's", but a very pleasant "For Christmas I would like...". Oh yes I was so very delighted to see their chosen language for this very esteemed letter.

And so I transcribed for my little Eee while she drew a beautiful rainbow, not for Santa I am told, but rather for Daddy. It's beautiful, I'm sure you'll agree.

So have you seen Santa yet? Have you written to him?

We actually saw him today as well. A couple of brightly dressed little Elves found us in a long, hot queue and invited us into an air conditioned, bubbly room where Santa just happened to be sitting waiting to invite us up onto his knee to chat with him, be with him, have Daddy take our photo and just to enjoy the experience.

Christmas with children is just such a special experience.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tickly Tag Toys

Who's that peaking out from inside my crochet bag?

One of three new friends for my little treasures.

The remnants of the skirt I sewed for myself were begging me to make a few things for my new tribe of three little girls. They were inspired by other toys I've seen around and also my little Eee's love of all things tickly. She tickles her nose and lips with any tag she can find although her teddy (with his shaggy, taggy tail) is her favourite friend.

The taggy friends are in great use as ticklers and in playing games of hide'n'seek.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sewing for Me

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955

Using fabric from the lovely Mezzanine Collection designed by Patty Young for Michael Miller I have managed to find time to sew something for myself this special Spring of mine. It is actually a practise run of this pattern which I plan to use for some other fabric I've been admiring for a long while. Perhaps that one might be finished by Christmas...we'll see.

I've been called 'the pink lady' more than once and I do love pink, along with my girls. What hope did they have but to fall in love with pink. It is almost the only colour they see, they are dressed in it so often. However this is the only patterned pink skirt I own. I do have a very old bright pink skirt but lately I've been wearing black and white, as well as a blue and white skirt most often. When it happens to be cool enough to wear skirts. It's still been very, very cool down here. As I speak however, we are heating up for a week of temperatures reaching 30degC and above so lots of lovely skirt wearing will be happening this week for me and my girls. They'll be pleased to finally be allowed to wear their skirts and dresses without shirts underneath them to keep them warm.

And because we are moving and I am trying to ensure our storage solutions for toys etc. are adequate, I have sewn a drawstring bag to hold our wooden alphabet puzzle. I am very happy with the way it has turned out, the little tiny stitches on the alphabet letters adding to the bubbly fabric. I enjoyed the few minutes I had to sit down quietly, resting, healing and allowing my fingers to stitch tiny stiches again. Remember these!