Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? ~Proverbs 6:27

The terrible devastation of the bushfire tragedy where over 1000 homes have been lost seems to deepen day by day. It is the biggest natural disaster in our history. I am heartened to see how our Australian community is banding together to raise much needed funds to support those who have been displaced.
Many people are auctioning items they have made by hand to raise funds. Items are being listed on eBay such as this sweet Matryoshka doll by One Red Robin. Melly and Me is running a private auction at their site with some very cute items up for auction. There are more listings for handmade auctions on Handmade Help.
There are other ways to give and I am sure you'll find them in your local community. My daughter will enjoy wearing her casual, no doubt 'pink', clothes to school on Friday as the school community commits to raising funds.
There are buskers in the streets raising money with their talents so I hear on ABC Classic FM.
You can also donate securely through The Salvation Army and the Australian Red Cross.
Do be sure that when you give it is through a secure, reputable source as sadly, just as there is likely an arsonist or two involved in this situation, there are now scammers just after our money. This is the world be live in.
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