We posted our letters to Santa today. Santa, North Pole, 9999. We hope he gets them. Australia Post guarantees he'll be happy to hear from us.

The idea of writing to this dear old soul was very motivational, as far as writing is concerned. I am discovering that writing is just something which Ess does not enjoy. She is my avid reader, not so keen on writing to express herself.
You know, I was delighted that both of the girls struggled to think of anything at all to ask Santa for. The language Ess used was most polite as well. No "I want's" or "Give me's", but a very pleasant "For Christmas I would like...". Oh yes I was so very delighted to see their chosen language for this very esteemed letter.
And so I transcribed for my little Eee while she drew a beautiful rainbow, not for Santa I am told, but rather for Daddy. It's beautiful, I'm sure you'll agree.
So have you seen Santa yet? Have you written to him?
We actually saw him today as well. A couple of brightly dressed little Elves found us in a long, hot queue and invited us into an air conditioned, bubbly room where Santa just happened to be sitting waiting to invite us up onto his knee to chat with him, be with him, have Daddy take our photo and just to enjoy the experience.
Christmas with children is just such a special experience.