The rules state a recipient of the Beautiful Blogger award must:
*Add a link and a note of thanks to the person giving the award.
*Pass the award on to the most Beautiful Blogs you love.
*Share 7 things about yourself.
Thankyou Alecat of Serenades and Solace for awarding me with this award today. The last 24 hours have been rather tough ones with my Ess having an allergic reaction while we were out at the markets, little Eee performing her usual tantrums and my Generous Gentleman sharing some work news. It's not all new. However, yesterday it got to me and I spent hours awake last night worrying about things which I usually try not to let worry me as I know they are in good hands.
So worn and weary this morning, I found this award which has very much touched my heart today - thankyou.
I'd like to pass it on to some friends old and new:
Jeanne of A Peaceful Day, whose blog I recently found. She shares a wealth of information about her experiences homeschooling her daughter. She has wonderful taste for art and literature also. Her days are somewhat sad at the moment so I hope this award will cheer you a little, Jeanne. 'Your blog has been a blessing to me. I'm sure Alecat will join me with a little bit of envy that you live in the country with a lovely garden.'
Nina of Nö's Familie, who is a faithful friend, always able to offer a kind and helpful word. It is a delight to watch how she raises her two cherubs in southern Germany.
Mel of One Crafty Mumma whose creativity never fails to inspire me to start yet another project. Thanks Mel.
Millie of Needles and Haystacks, a lovely lady in Ireland who always has a lovely comment to make, a friendly smile to share and lovely sewing as well.
Sarah of The Best Days of My Life whose inspirational writing always speaks to my heart.
And 7 things about me?
:: I'm 28 weeks pregnant with my third little one.
:: I'm really enjoying the learning curve of homeschooling my girls.
:: I tend to store up my worries for a rainy day and then they all come out. Everything - large or small. I'm sure my husband thinks the rain won't stop falling from my eyes.
:: I seek beauty in the smallest and simplest of things.
:: I'm quite small, barely 5 foot tall.
:: I'd love to take my family to explore the Great Barrier Reef.
:: I love chocolate!
Sorry to hear that life has been a struggle for you the last couple of days. Hope Ess is okay now after her allergic reaction - scary stuff! Isn't it great to know the One who holds us in the palm of His hand? Keep trusting as you lay your burdens at His feet.
love and prayers,
You are in my thoughts and prayers today Cee! How terrible for Ess to have an allergic reaction. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart"
Hugs XX
Thinking of you and your little one. I do hope her allergic reaction clears up .. I know it's very scary when that happens.
Cee, I have so enjoyed getting to know you over the past few weeks. I so envy you your creativity, but you certainly give me something to aspire to!!
I am saddened by your recent difficulties. I do hope that things will improve again for you soon.
Much love.
Oh this is just a lovely surprise.
Thankyou all for your love, care, support and prayers. They have me in tears again!! :)
Dear Cee,
Thankyou very much for the award, that is so sweet of you. I wanted to say congratulations with your pregnancy too, that is wonderful news!
I'm sorry to have read about your last few days and I hope the sun shines for you again soon - I'm sure some happy moments are waiting for you just around the corner :)
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