Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Daisy Jane Duck: A Tutorial
Monday, March 30, 2009
Preparing for Easter
And hope to my heart comes singing,
At morn the cherry-blooms will be white,
And the Easter bells be ringing! ~Edna Dean Proctor, "Easter Bells"
Friday, March 27, 2009
A Special Kind Deed for Easter Giveaway
The great Easter truth is not that we are to live newly after death - that is not the great thing - but that...we are to, and may, live nobly now because we are to live forever.
~Phillips Brooks
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bunnies for Easter and The Princess and the Garden (Finale)
The little girl moved on with the fairies. She could not believe the sight she beheld at the gate of the garden. It was beautiful! As she walked through the gate she felt a familiar feeling – it felt like home!
The Gardener gasped in delight to see and then to hold her beautiful princess.
The Princess revelled in the hug she received, the warm embrace, the hug that held her tightly. She would always remember that first hug, the very first time her mother held her close and she knew she was loved, with a love like no other.
For me this story has an obvious meaning but there is always something underlying this speaking to me. Now here is my challenge for you. Can you find any hidden meaning in this story?? Does it remind you of another story close to heart? What are your interpretations of this story? I'd love to hear any ideas you have or stories to share. Now I can hear those cogs turning!
Tomorrow I'll have an easier and beautiful task for you to complete. See you then.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Creative Process and The Princess and the Garden (Part III)
Let's begin with a sneak peak of something which seemed to hop into Ess's bedroom last night.
It is so good to be creating again, but then again do I ever stop. I am certainly a creative person and am not satisfied unless I am creating something. I will put many other things on hold, such as cleaning and tidying up, to ensure that this part of me, the very central core of who I am, is being attended to. You see I am made in the image of my Creator. God is the ultimate creator, thus being made in His image means that I must create also. If I do not, certain frustration ensues.
I have been assigned a little reflective project this week by Our Creative Community. It is a challenge to write about The Creative Process.
I find that my creativity is ignited by the everyday tasks which I have been assigned to do. Usually the results of my creativity serve to nourish my family, as this is currently my primary role. So any and every simple task will be seen in a creative light including the preparation of meals, play with my children and also their education. You have seen the fruits of my creativity in the abundance of healthy recipes which I create in order to meet our families particular dietary needs. You see this in the writing of stories for my daughters to read and illustrate. You see this in my sewing and crafting in order to make things for them which need to be used such as The Art Smock (which sadly is no longer, we think it was tossed in the bin at school). I also create in order to delight and surprise them, to make them feel special and worth spending time and energy on.
You see I am a bit of a rebel at heart and while I am not one to reinvent the wheel, so to speak, I always seem to swim against the flow. I will not be bound by what others are doing, or what has gone before me. When I can see other ways to do things which meet my goals in the way I am raising my family I will change everything to creatively meet needs. I will resist eating takeaway food because I know it is not as healthy for my family or our hip pocket. This requires me to be creative with the items of food I have stored in my frig and pantry. I will resist purchasing that toy that everyone else has because I know I will have much more joy in making one for my girls than spending the time, effort and money going out to purchase something that someone else has created. I know Ess appreciates the things I make for her more than other toys as every morning she wakes and comes out of her room with a collection of her "essentials" which include: the blanket I knitted her, the doll I made her for Christmas (see in my header pic), the muff and one mitten set I am in the middle of completing for her. The fact I make them for her shows her how much I value her, value creating for her and value teaching her skills about creating which will go with her for life.
I struggle to create when the everyday tasks I need to complete seem insurmountable and tiresome. Yet when I turn my thoughts to see those same tasks differently my creativity resurfaces and a spark returns. I find new inspiration from chatting with friends, communing with God, particular inspirational blogs and simple everyday life.
The joy of my creativity is certainly in the giving and watching the recipient receive. Their gratitude is absolutely enough for me. It is also a joy when others see what I do and are inspired to do something similar. It is wonderful when the values I espouse are shared with others and we unite to achieve a common goal. Blogs are a great way to share.
I consider myself very very fortunate to be living a very creative life. It is constant, it is always, it is all around. I am thankful that this is where God has me at the moment, in a place where I can creatively be me.
I'll finish in the garden with my princess for the next section of the story ~ The Princess and the Garden. (Firstly read Part I and Part II)...“Let’s busy ourselves with the bees”, the energetic fairies decided. “We’ll find them on the garlic chives and on the basil flowers as well”, the little girl declared. As they all buzzed and flew around with the bees the girl recognised another familiar sight. It was a very dainty and delicate sparkly bright fairy in each. “Oh, I’ve found Grace the Garlic Fairy and Basilica the Basil Fairy. I know you’d love to play as well.” They all buzzed and twirled, flew and danced, and enjoyed the afternoon together.
When evening came, the fairies knew they had been in the company of a most sincere Princess - a princess with whom the Gardener would love to share her garden, her blossoms, her herbs and all her plants. They raced to the garden and found the Gardener there. She sat outside in the cool of the evening under the shade of a Jacaranda tree. She was waiting expectantly and was delighted to see her fairies return. She rose to greet them and immediately knew that the news they would share would fill her heart with joy.
“We’ve found her!” they exclaimed. The one to come and join you here is beautiful, she’s bright, she’s kind. She is fun and she is pretty. But more than that she loves the garden, she knows the plants therein and she recognised each of us one by one as she drew close to play. Not a thing passed by unnoticed. We know she is a true Princess.
“Oh, please bring her here,” the Gardener cried. She knew her heart’s longing would be fulfilled...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Princess and the Garden (Part II)
“They’re the beautiful rose blooms - The Children’s Rose, “ the girl exclaimed. And they danced and played and smelled the delectable fragrance of the rose. With her sweet little nose absorbing the fragrance of a bloom so near, the little girl detected a hint of cinnamon and a sparkle of fairy dust. At once she spotted the rested fairy, “Hello, you must be Rosetta the Rose Fairy.” “Indeed I am” Rosetta replied. And the three of them danced and twirled all around the pretty garden...
Please do share any kind deeds that are happening around your home at the moment. We'd love to read about the smiles you share, they bring a smile to us here.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Princess and the Garden
“My dear fairies”, she said longingly, “I long for a sweet princess to share my garden with me, to delight in the blossoms, to dance amongst the plants, to enjoy the fragrance and delicious flavour of all my herbs. Please find the sweetest, kindest, brightest Princess who would love to share this garden.”
And so the fairies set off. They had seen many sweet girls in their travels from Fairyland, yet they knew the one who’d meet the Gardener’s desires would be a most particular one. She would be able to see them, those delicate tiny fairies, as they rested contentedly, yet with eager anticipation, in the flowers by which the girl passed. The girl who saw the fairies would be immediately recognised as a Princess.
The fairies came to rest in various flowers and waited for the little girl to pass as she came out to play. Patiently, they waited....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Healthy Little Mud Cakes - Healthy? Debatable?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Bright Yellow Ribbons for Sports Day
Self-poised upon that yellow flower
And, little Butterfly! Indeed
I know not if you sleep or feed.
How motionless! - not frozen seas
More motionless! and then
What joy awaits you, when the breeze
Hath found you out among the trees,
And calls you forth again!
~William Wordsworth, "To a Butterfly"
Friday, March 13, 2009
Patience Gratitude
Thursday, March 12, 2009

One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney, "Garden Thoughts"