"Bloom where you are planted."
~The Bishop of Geneva, Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)

The camelia I see blooming from my bedroom window inspires me each morning
to see the beauty amidst the twigs and sticks of a wintry phase in our lives.
Since last I wrote, dear friends, we are more settled. After seven moves this year, we are finally a little settled in a home - albeit temporarily.
For a little over a month now we have been living with our own things, our personal belongings, our familiar furniture. It does feel like home here. We have been blessed to have been released from the contract we were in, in order to commence a longer term lease than the six weeks we had when last I wrote. We are now leasing a property for six months with the option to extend as we look around to purchase another home - one which is fully legal, with no 'controlled activity' leading to unapproved structures being undertaken by the builder/owner.
Our current home is filled with natural light in a lovely central location which we enjoy very much. It is smaller than our last home but has lots of under-house storage which we are using to keep all the things we probably won't need for six months.
I love hanging out my washing each morning on a lovely big hills hoist to the sound of magpies carolling and watching the sulphur-crested cockatoos and crimson rosellas fly from tree to tree foraging and feeding. I love the way the sun fills this house and greets us each day no matter how cold it is outside and it has been quite freezing at -6deg the other night.
We are starting to bake again, although the oven in my small kitchen is very very basic. We enjoyed my Zucchini and Sultana Muffins the other day.
I have managed to find my lovely crochet blanket but just haven't found the time to sit down and do it. I have actually forgotten the pattern so will need to take time to learn that again. It is hard to believe this as I didn't need to think twice about it all the time I was crocheting this while I was pregnant. My mind has been filled with so much since our move I simply cannot remember that which was so much part of my life previously.
During May we house-sat for some new friends while they holidayed interstate. We are very grateful for this provision. It was fun to explore the northern parts of town and come to realise how much we appreciate being where we are now which is very close to my Generous Gentleman's work.
We moved to this city for his work which he continues to enjoy. This is yet another blessing I am grateful for each day. There are many days when the girls and I pine for the settled creative life we had in Adelaide yet because his work is good, I am happy and they notice this.
We still have not had our deposit for "the dodgy house" refunded and this has led us to having to go to court. The hearing is on 29 July which is only a day after my 40th birthday - great birthday present hey!! I do hope it truly will be. Our solicitor is very confident and doesn't understand how the other side thinks they have a case. So hopefully the judge sees things the same way. We have followed God's promptings in this as well as listened to our solicitor's advice so we are anxiously and nervously confident.
One thing is sure - God will continue to provide for us.
So very lovely to see you here. Praise God for his provision for you!
You sound so, so much happier, my friend.
Can't wait to see ripple!
So glad you are back with us, and you have a place to call home, at least for awhile. You'll figure that afghan out. I had one I had to figure out the other day because I put it away for too long. It might have a few mistakes in it, but I figure that's the beauty of home made, right?
You take care and keep us posted. And Jeanne is right...you sound happier.
Cindy Bee
Fingers crossed for the court case!
I am happy that you see some sunlight again after the stormy events over the last couple of months!
So pleased things are more settled for you. Hope all went well at the court and you had a lovely birthday. Love Donna
Hi C
I have just caught up on your news; so sorry to hear what a tough time you have had of late.
Fingers crossed for the 29th July. Sounds like moral right is on your side.
We think we will be returning to Canberra in Jan 2012 and would love to catch up.
Sarah & Family
Hi Sarah
It would be lovely to catch up with you over here! Will you be moving back into your home here?
We may even have one of our own by then, although Canberra is still feeling very transient for us. Not sure how long we'll stay here. Depending on work I guess.
Thanks for your thoughts for the 29th. Indeed we hope moral right wins out.
See you soon
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