Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cupcakes for Christmas

""Pooh", he said, "Christopher Robin is giving a party."
"Oh!" said Pooh. And then seeing that Owl expected him to say something else, he said,
"Will there be those little cake things with pink sugar icing?"
Owl felt that it was rather beneath him to talk about little cake things with pink sugar icing, so he told Pooh exactly what Christopher Robin had said, and flew off to Eeyore

Oh Poor Owl, how could cupcakes be beneath anyone?

Don't these ones look delicious!

I have been making cupcakes. Not the edible variety however, much to my Generous Gentleman's dismay.  One of Ess's Kindy teachers became interested in our projects after discovering we had both been making Felt Food.  She then very generously loaned me the pattern folder she and her friend had been using to compile a generous number of felt food items.  I have been very lucky to be able to copy them.

Now I am on a mission to make as many felt food items as I can before Christmas to give to little Eee as part of the play kitchen she'll receive at Christmas time.

I think these have all turned out very sweetly.  The pink ones are definitely my favourites. They are made from fabric which the flowergirls wore at our wedding.  I love seeing that put to good use.  

Memories continue on in the making and in the everyday playing.


Melissa Goodsell said...

oh dear, they are positively gorgeous Cee!

Mandy's Pink Home said...

I love the cup cakes.I too have been making cup cakes but mine are pin cushions for christmas pressies.........

The Vintage Rose said...

Love those pink cupcakes. Any chance of getting a copy of the pattern or an idea of where to get pattern? Such fun for your daughter!

Cee said...

Vintage Rose I have a pattern for the cupcakes which I am happy to share. It is very hard to read but you can certainly make it out. It is from Homespun I believe but am not certain. If you would like me to post you a copy please contact me with your email address (if you are happy to) so we can be in touch.

Juliane | Fröken Skicklig said...

It is early in the morning here and I really need some coffee - may pass by for a cup and also for some cake?

These cupcakes are so lovely, dear Cee. We should arrange a little picnic together, don´t you think?

A warm hug from Sweden, Juliane

Cee said...

A little tea party would be just delightful, dear Juliane.

Where shall that be, in Sweden or in Australia? Little Eee, Ess and I would love to meet you over there in Sweden If only our wish to be fairies would be granted, we would be over there in the short flight of a bumblebee!

Even warmer hugs from Australia to you,

Our New Treasure

Lilypie Maternity tickers


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