Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Saltdough Christmas

Isn't it wonderful how some flour, salt and water...

combined with a little lemon juice and oil... (recipe here)

can create such education, entertainment, smiles and memories...

the fun and excitement of mixing colours and seeing the combinations and changes.

We were even able to watch light reflect from the silver stars Ess used on her decorations when we placed these in the kitchen under the rangehood light. I just love this photo (above) with the stars reflected onto the cupboard.

Then of course there is rolling, moulding, cutting and shaping the dough...

as well as decorating...
then painting it. (Particularly after Mum left them for too long in a too hot oven and they became quite crispy with little colour left...noone seemed to mind.)

Hoping you are enjoying a fun holiday time.

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