Heat, ma'am! it was so dreadful here, that I found there was nothing left for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones. ~Sydney Smith, Lady Holland's Memoir

Photo Courtesy ABC News.
We are in the midst of it here. My daughter's first days of school will be remembered as being in an incredible heat wave. Yesterday was the hottest day in 70 years and the third hottest day on record reaching 45.5 deg Celcius and I was out in it collecting my daughter from school with my 16month old baby on my hip. We felt we could have put on some olive oil and roasted ourselves for dinner. An amazing feeling! I can only get the house to cool to about 26-27degC so that makes it very hard to cool down after an outing.
Last night was our highest minimum on record only dipping to 33.9deg just 12.30am. It is no wonder I rose this morning feeling as though I didn't have any sleep at all last night.
The forecast does not bring much good news as for 7 days we will have hot days of 38deg and above. The only saving grace will be minimums that go back down to 22degC. Phew!!
Apart from that all is going well here. I am very very glad that we have not had powercuts as some have had. Imagine not being able to keep your food cool in this situation, let alone keeping your body cool in an airconditioned house. Our airconditioning is on 24/7 (not that it feels like it) and my fridge is working well. We can feed ourselves comfortably. My plants are feeling it but I think they are still edible at this stage. I can only water on Wed and Sun and then only within three hours (which just happen to be my busiest with my littluns). Othertimes I am trying to convince myself to stay outside in the heat just that little bit longer while Eee sleeps to water with my watering can.
Usually I like the heat, usually I have nothing to complain about, usually I say that so long as the aircon is on we are fine. Sometimes I even feel cooler on the hottest days when we put on the aircon simply because it IS on. Not this time. This time we are all really feeling it.
Thankfully our basic needs are catered for. Thus we can rest content.
Thanks for commenting on my post of a broadly similar topic. For the record, I think you are commenting on the weather, rather than whining about it.
I enjoy reading your blog. I hope you're having a cool change like we are in Melbourne.
Michelle it is so cool here now that I have not been able to warm up today yet. It was about 13deg C this morning walking to school.
I hope things are cooler for you again. We are thinking of all of you over in Victoria after the devastation the fires has brought. It is truly hard to imagine. My daughter will be sporting casual clothes on Friday as her school community commits to raising funds for the clean-up rebuild efforts.
So sorry to hear about the horrible heatwave! I hope your daughter made it through those few days okay. There’s a big risk for heat stroke in the unpredictable and intense heat, so it’s a good thing your air-conditioning was working. If it didn’t make you feel cooler, it at least didn’t make you feel any hotter!
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